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The Chip Board Archive 13

Tokens for chips, disappointing day

Spent a few hours up the 'hill'(Blackhawk, Central City) yesterday picking up a few chips. Turned out to be very few. Seems most of the casinos are going away from the $1 chips and replacing them with tokens. One even dropped their $5 chips for tokens.

Seems a bit pennywise and pound foolish. I know the chips normally cost them more than a buck but they comped me 2 free dinners for not much nickel play and get cheap when I want a $1.30 or so chip for a $1.

Just not the same sitting at a table 'clinking' tokens grin

By the way, the Bonanza $1 chips are now 'officially' obsolete. I bought their remaing very few chips from the vault and they said they were only going to use tokens now too.

Copyright 2022 David Spragg