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The Chip Board Archive 12

Re: My New Favorite Chip: PollyEster $17 Chip

PollyEster is my bird, a 30-year-old yellow-headed amazon parrot I sort of inherited 15 years ago. By giving her a home she was spared a very bad fate. She really enjoys pinball machines.

Messages In This Thread

My New Favorite Chip: PollyEster $17 Chip
Saw the pinball machine on your chip...
Re: Saw the pinball machine on your chip...
Should've realized it was actually your chip...
Someone Say Pinball Machines
Great Machines Barry!
Re: My New Favorite Chip: PollyEster $17 Chip
Re: My New Favorite Chip: PollyEster $17 Chip
Re: My New Favorite Chip: PollyEster $17 Chip
I've officially nominated your chip for COTY
Protecting Cal's Football Stadium?

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