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The Chip Board Archive 12

A call for information on BPOE (elks) lodges

I am trying to compile a list of all know elks lodges that had crest & seal poker chips. I current list 140 lodges. I'm betting there are 200 to 300 more out there.

If you own a BPOE crest & seal from a lodge that I do not list, please let me know. That lodge will be on my website within 24 hours.

I do believe that my website would make a nice reference sourse for BPOE crest and seals (as well as all other crest and seals and ivory chips).

Here is my complete list:

As a secondary and less altruistic request: could you please let me know if you have ANY BPOE crest and seals that I don't have (lodges and/or color variations). I have a spreadsheet in which I list the colors that I don't have and in whose collection they reside.

Copyright 2022 David Spragg