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The Chip Board Archive 12

vbg Anyone Recognize ANY of These Guys vbg

PIC taken at the NASCAR Race in LV this month. I have more, but thay are all video clips and I can uplaod them to the board sad
I'm still trying to catch up on my chipping biz with everyone. My apologies to anyone I've ignored. I'm making some headway vbg but working 7 days a week, 12 hours a day makes for VERY little time to really sit down and do anything. I've received the Club Mag. and James' new book but they sit unopened along with a pile of mail and bills sad
Hava Good One, Richard
PS Anyone have ANY NICE Large Crowns from NV for sale ?
PPS NEW email address at work
don't forget to put in the DOT between richard and fellman or it will be returned as undeliverable.

Copyright 2022 David Spragg