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The Chip Board Archive 12

Re: ATTN Greg Susong:
In Response To: ATTN Greg Susong: ()

Thanks Mike,

I have come to the conclusion that what I was using probably came in the Power Toys for Internet Explorer version 5. Future upgrades to more recent versions of IE left it there.

When I upgraded my computer I started fresh, so the modification was not there. I have tried to add it back in, but can't seem to do so.

While searching, I have found some programs that will add a similar function to the context menu in IE, but I haven't chosen one yet.


Messages In This Thread

ATTN Greg Susong:
Re: ATTN Greg Susong:
Re: ATTN Greg Susong:
Re: ATTN Greg Susong:
rofl rofl rofl
Re: rofl rofl rofl
Re: rofl rofl rofl
Re: What happens at 50
Re: What happens at 50
Re: What happens at 50
Re: EEk!!!!!!!

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