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The Chip Board Archive 12

Extra! Super Sunday Building Fund Auction

The Super Sunday Building Fund Auction has now begun! The winner will receive the six chips you see below. Anyone else who wants to sweeten the pot is welcome! grin

Only ccgtcc members are eligible to bid. Please post your ccgtcc membership number with your bid or in your name header.

Bids will be accepted until the kickoff to begin the SECOND HALF of the Super Bowl.

Paul McCartney has promised there will be no mishaps with his wardrobe, so it will be safe to visit the board to make a last-minute bid. vbg

The winner will mail their check, made out to the ccgtcc Building Fund directly to Mike Quinlivan, the ccgtcc Treasurer at the following adddress:

Mike Quinlivan
P.O. Box 249
Atwood, CA 92811-0249

The first chip is E0500 from the Flamingo Hilton Reno (value "J" $50-$59 in TCR) in uncirculated condition.
The second chip is a $1 from Dude Lounge, location undetermined.
The third chip is the $5 from Dude Lounge.
The fourth chip is the $25 from Dude Lounge.
The fifth chip is the $1 house chip from Sky City, Acoma, New Mexico.
The sixth chip is a UFC that was delivered to the Bell Cigar Store in Omaha, Nebraska in 1953. Possibly used by the owners of the C&C Bar in Omaha.

grin grin Bid early and bid often!!! grin grin

Messages In This Thread

Extra! Super Sunday Building Fund Auction
Pot Sweetener
Auction closed. No bids sad

Copyright 2022 David Spragg