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The Chip Board Archive 12

Saturday Sven and Ole Joke

It's winter in the cold North woods and Sven and Ole decide it is a good time to enroll in an English class at the local community college. The one they choose is vocabulary improvement. Their first test is a list of words requiring definitions.Below are some of the words included and their answers:

Avoidable: Vat a bullfighter does
Counterfeiter: A vorker vhat puts togeter da kitchen cabinets
Eclipse: A guy vat cuts da hair
Heroes: Vat a guy in da boat does
Hebrews: Da man of da house makin' da coffee
Paradox: Two Docs
Pharmacist: Da helper on da farm
Relief: Vat da trees do in da Spring
Primate: Lena movin' Ole from in front of da TV

Copyright 2022 David Spragg