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The Chip Board Archive 12

Re: Wait Wait Wait - I'LL SECOND DTHAT
In Response To: Wait Wait Wait ()

Like a little kid with Christmas money I too often rush out and by a Nevada chip I can't live without and later find that the price has dropped, dropped, dropped. One thing you will see from TCR is where there is a "-" sign after a letter it means that the value has been dropping--that there are a lot more of the chips out there then previously believed. But, like Richard says, the TCR is not all knowing--the authors cannot know and do not claim to know what is out there. Enjoy the hobby. Glad to see you aboard. Hope you come to the Convtion in Aug. If so stop by at our table (MYERS, LEWIN + SOMEOTHER GOOD GUY). grin

Messages In This Thread

TCR Values?
vbg Welome to TCB and THE HOBBY vbg
Wait Wait Wait
Always look at COMPLETED items on Ebay
TCR Values?
Re: Wait Wait Wait - I'LL SECOND DTHAT
Re: TCR Values?
Meeting in Las Vegas this summer
Re: Meeting in Las Vegas this summer
Re: Meeting in Las Vegas this summer
Re: Meeting in Las Vegas this summer

Copyright 2022 David Spragg