The Chip Board
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The Chip Board Archive 12

Why buy at Collecting Fun (11 reasons)

1. Multiple sellers in your specialty niche, listing their items for your buying needs.
2. With increasing selections, a comparative buying experience where you select the best fitting choice available for your needs.
3. No registration for buyers.
4. All seller identities and contact information open.
5. You deal directly with the seller (confirm availability, reserve item, and buy).
6. Item prices are fixed, so you do not need to guess at what the item will cost you.
7. First you find the price to be in line with the item’s qualifications, then you buy the item. Thus, you do not deal with price increases based on your interest.
8. Once you reserve an available item with the seller, you need not worry about someone else snatching away the item as long as you make a timely payment on it.
9. No auctions to miss, no guessing of maximum bids by others, no stress in deciding on counter-bids, no constant checking to snipe an auction. One email or phone call to the seller will confirm availability and reserve your item.
10. Plans underway for collecting oriented web site developments.
11. Management always open to comments and suggestions over how to improve the web site to enhance your buying and collecting experience.

Copyright 2022 David Spragg