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The Chip Board Archive 11

Mississippi show has great potential!!

Hey Doug,
I would bet we could get 200 or 300 chippers.Probably a few new members as well.
Mississippi is a great spot.Lot's of casino's,food,shows,poker and entertainment!! Plus lot's of good fellowship!! Probably the 3rd best gambling State in the United States.
I know a few people that may come down. I have several friends that are dealers and I could probably twists a few arms and call in some favors. Plus a big advertisement in the CC@GTCC magazine would attract some attention.I am sure the turnout of chippers and dealers would be quite sufficient! Let's roll!!
My guess is 300 chippers and 30 dealers 30 new members!! If we get it we could make a nice donation for the Building fund project!!
I sure most of us could support this idea!!
Mitch Heller

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Deep South Chip Collectors Club
Please discuss a Blioxi Show
Re: Please discuss a Blioxi Show
Re: Please discuss a Blioxi Show
Great to hear that Gene....
Re: Please discuss a Blioxi Show
Re: Please discuss a Blioxi Show
Re: Please discuss a Blioxi Show
Bob, If the Breakeven is 20 Dealers...
Re: Bob, If the Breakeven is 20 Dealers...
Thanks for your support Jim!!
Mississippi show has great potential!!
Many dealers from Houston support Biloxi 100%!!
I would be a dealer!! 100% SUPPORT!!
Many of us in the Midwest will attend

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