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The Chip Board Archive 11

Re: building fund- It can become a reality!!
In Response To: Re: building fund ()

Hi Andy,
Thanks for the update! We have come along way in a short time.Congrats to all the chippers who have contributed to make this a reality.Great job!!
I know we have alot of work to do and along way to go but,with the tremendous effort and with great passion and full steam ahead drive the project has a real shot!! We can make it happen!!
Let's keep the faith.Maybe we will catch a break and get some help from major contributer.After all most of us beleive in Lady Luck and I beleive most of us really want this building called our home!! Keep up the great work and lets keep our fingers crossed!!!!!!
Mitch Heller

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building fund
Re: building fund
Re: building fund- It can become a reality!!
Re: building fund- It can become a reality!!

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