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The Chip Board Archive 11

Re: rofl rofl rofl Just out of curiosity...
In Response To: rofl rofl rofl Just out of curiosity... ()

That's happened only about half a dozen times in the 14 years I've been married. I'm also a serious collector of vintage baseball cards, and my wife made me take out a classified ad in Sports Collectors Digest each time with the same text, names and teams reversed.


If you're not supporting the Boston Red Sox, the terrorists have already won.

Messages In This Thread

Message from Wayne's wife
rofl rofl rofl rofl rofl rofl rofl
rofl rofl rofl Just out of curiosity...
Babe WHO???
Re: rofl rofl rofl Just out of curiosity...
Re: Message from Wayne's wife
rofl That's GREAT!! rofl

Copyright 2022 David Spragg