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The Chip Board Archive 11

Re: Chip & Token Lots (some Slabb

In my opinion, I wouldn't buy anything that is a collectable from any of those Selling Stations.

The Prices are so outragious enough and so off base of what they are actually selling for. I always laugh when ever they have coins on there to Sell.

If you were to buy what they sell them for, go and try and sell them to somebody who knows what they are worth.

My 2¢ and I know nothing about the prices of Chips or any other Casino Stuff.


Messages In This Thread Chip & Token Lots (some Slabbed)
Re: Chip & Token Lots (some Slabb
Re: Chip & Token Lots (some Slabb
They are on the main list from the past anyway

Copyright 2022 David Spragg