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The Chip Board Archive 11

for sale 4 diff. BARGE Chip Sets for sale

For all you poker players out there, here are four different chip sets from BARGE (Big August Recreational Gamblers Excursion) held in Las Vegas each year. Each set is just $15.99 and can be found in the Latest Additions categories at As always, shipping is FREE and you can pay via PayPal.

Consign with us! grin
Tired of the hassle of listing and relisting ad naseum on eBay? Not to mention the never-ending list of fees! We can help. We've sold over $25,000 worth of chips for our consignors this year! We can do all the work or part of it - you decide. And you never pay anything unless we sell your items. You too could be collecting a monthly check and spending your time golfing/fishing instead of slaving over eBay and your scanner! Visit for more details.

Copyright 2022 David Spragg