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The Chip Board Archive 11

Pat, they are no longer in-use...

These jetons were used on a French roulette table that has since been removed from the casino. French roulette tables are HUGE and require several dealers. The wheel does not have a double zero and the dealer uses a special long handled tool to drag lossing wagers and carefully place stacked winnings in front of a player.

If I am not mistaken, when the table was removed there was no redemption notice for the jetons. The jetons came in various denominations and each denomination had three different versions (plain, 3 stripes and 4 edge spots) to keep players separate.

I am sure that others will have additional details.

Jim Follis

Messages In This Thread

Question on these PARIS JETONS ?
Pat, they are no longer in-use...
Re: Pat, they are no longer in-use...
Thanks Gene. That is what I thought. Also,...
See 9.21.04/Bob Orme/Paris Jeton Plaques thread

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