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The Chip Board Archive 11

Re: I am a NICE guy, BUT honest!
In Response To: I am a NICE guy, BUT honest! ()

I am aware that the Four Queens did way too many LE's $5 and $25 included. I started them below book value in hopes of selling them. No one knows how many got destroyed. All I'm saying is that your opinion stated on this board could cause someone to not bid on a chip that they might have bid on. I am fair on my opening bids. I even asked for chip rack help last week right here on this board to make sure that my opening bids were not out of line. Allan Myers emailed me directly on the Summer 2000 Pink Bikini chip #E3141. It is listed in the Chip Rack as * = no market. He had not seen both sides of the chip. He said it might be worth around $50..... Opening bid $39.95... How about the Main Street Station Lady ?? $30 chip opening bid $12.95... You might be right they might not sell....but All I ask is next time you are concerned about my time taken to list auctions, please do it in an email.

Messages In This Thread

eBaySome Great $25 chips eBay
Re: Wow......Tom you are not a nice person
I am a NICE guy, BUT honest!
Re: I am a NICE guy, BUT honest!
If you feel I effect sales!
Re: If you feel I effect sales!
Thank You!
Re: Thank You!
Thanks for the insite!

Copyright 2022 David Spragg