The Chip Board
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The Chip Board Archive 11

NCR: But check this out....
In Response To: 19 Q's to get "Poker Chip"!! ()

Some of the opinions this computer holds are a little strange:

"You were thinking of a poker chip.

Similar Objects
an ink pad, a checker piece, a tongue depresser, a pentacle, a chess piece, a puzzle piece, a domino (block with dots), glitter (little sparkly bits), a dreidel, a scalpel, a pawn, a ribbon.

Uncommon Knowledge about a poker chip
Does it roll? I say Yes.
Is it worth a lot of money? I say Yes.
Do you carry it in your pocket? I say Yes.
Does it produce heat? I say Yes.
Is it transparent? I say Probably.
Does it have writing on it? I say Yes.
Does it swim? I say Yes.
Does it live underground? I say Probably.
Is it delivered? I say Yes.
Can it climb? I say Yes.
Can you recycle it? I say Probably.
Is it more valuable than silver? I say Yes.
Is it carbon-based? I say Yes.
Is it a carnivore? I say Yes.
Can it be given in proposal for marriage? I say Yes.
Can you use it as money? I say Yes.

Messages In This Thread

grin NCR • Tuesday Humor...
28 Q's to get "Milk" -- I win vbg
19 Q's to get "Poker Chip"!!
NCR: But check this out....

Copyright 2022 David Spragg