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The Chip Board Archive 11

Dear gojuliebrown,------Thanks for your warning!!

I have seen some write about people spending to much on ebay so I thought I would share another side of ebay buyers.

I relate to the message below. I buy and I like bidding on ebay. It's cheaper than gambling and the rush is the same when you win. The best part of spending on ebay is you never walk away empty handed.

Don't get me wrong! I don't like sellers who are unscrupulous or make stories up that are not true. I treat a 2 dollar sale the same as I would a much larger sale. It is all the same in the end. They keep coming back, as many of you know.

I have changed nothing in his reply but did delete the buyers name. If you choose to question my integrity email me and I will send it to you.

Here is an example of many emails I get if I try and slow down one of my bidders.

Message from eBay Member

Dear gojuliebrown,

Thanks for your warning!! I really like older chips, such as the Dunes, Sands, Flamingo & my buddy Mr. Stupak's Vegas World. And when it comes to bidding you should know I go nuts when I want something! I'll flip a coin for a hundred dollar's and I've paid $20.00 once for a bowl of soup!! What's money if you can't spend it and have a good time!! So if you got me bidding set back and enjoy the ride and the money you'll be making!! I hope to purchase from you in the future! Thanks again!!!!

Thank you,

Copyright 2022 David Spragg