The Chip Board
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The Chip Board Archive 11

SLABFREE - Please read - particularly new members!

We have recently seen a few 'slabbed' chips offered for sale. The slabfree club was formed to drive slabbing out of our hobby. So far over 400 club members have taken the pledge below.

If you haven't already done so I urge you to visit the slabfree site and add your name to the pledge list. Please also take time to view the list of dealers known to have sold or be selling slabs. On behalf of the club I urge you not not do any business whatsoever with these people.

Take The Pledge To Be Slab Free!

I will NOT buy any slabbed chip.

I will NOT have any slabbed chip in my collection.

I will NOT buy ANY chip from any dealer who sells slabbed chips.

I will NOT buy ANY chip from any dealer who grades chips for a slabbing service.

I will NOT do business of any kind with any dealer who participates in any way in the slabbing of chips.

Messages In This Thread

SLABFREE - Please read - particularly new members!
Re: SLABFREE - Please read - particularly new memb

Copyright 2022 David Spragg