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The Chip Board Archive 11

Derby City LABOR Day SWAP Meet & Sale 9/04/04

Just a short update.

Working on suggestions from chippers, trying to accommodate on such a short developing time frame.

Was successful in getting the room rate reduced to $59.00 a night

Forget the buffet between 5 PM and 6 PM. Looking at cocktail party in the trading room with hors d'oeuvres.

The Brown Baggers will meet Monday to decide final format and times.
Just stick with us on the short notice for a trading swap and sale in Louisville, KY at the Executive West Hotel Saturday, September 4 Th.

Remember the over 1000 dealers EAST & WEST WINGS Flea Market will be going on at Fairgrounds. You can walk from the hotel and save $5.00 Fairgrounds parking.

If you need a table (LIMIT 1) email me as we might have to schedule a larger room to accommodate everyone.

Copyright 2022 David Spragg