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The Chip Board Archive 11

A Public Retraction?

A public retraction - well you swore up and down you'd rather turn in your card Anthony. I'm glad you had a change of heart and believe me, you are too whether you realize it or not.

And get the facts right - you returned the clock in support of Doug Boyd when he and I were fueding. The return had nothing to do with the clock's color or the way it kept time. What? It took you 2 weeks to decide you didn't like the color? And did you ever replce the battery? Nope! You just wanted to make a statement, which is fine; but you expected me to pay for it, which is not.

I offered to make a new clock for you several times, and you refused each offer. You insisted on a refund; you wanted the $, not a clock. I even offered to send you a new one after you posted a retraction, which you refused to do.

After realizing you didn't really want the clock, you just wanted to win at any cost, I took the offer of a free clock off the table. I told you I'd get a retraction, but you wouldn't get a clock. Well? That's exactly what happened didn't it?

So after losing in mediation, you persisted and now you've lost an Ethics Claim, will that be the end of it?

Somehow I doubt it - you are only interested in putting it behind you after you get your way, which is never going to happen. Your retraction lacks sincerity and you've only posted it to keep from getting booted from the club. You're a sore loser and it's clear to me you'll continue, so do so at your own peril.


Messages In This Thread

Reference to a post I made in June
Re: Reference to a post I made in June
What Chip Chuck
Re: What Chip Chuck
Re: What Chip Chuck
A Public Retraction?
Sutton, Please Clarify
Re: Sutton, Please Clarify
Re: A Public Retraction?
Re: A Public Retraction?
My two big macs (cents)
Re: My two big macs (cents)
Re: A Public Retraction?
Mr Sutton does not give a flip about the hobby
Well said, Doug...every convention I make it
Great to meet you also Steve
Sutton, Please Respond
Why don't you just go away???? mad
PLEASE READ. Here is how to fix the problem
grin grin I'm in. grin grin
Re: grin grin I'm in. grin grin
Anthony IS the Problem
Re: Anthony IS the Problem
Re: Anthony IS the Problem
I don't think so !!!!!!!!!!!!
Re: I don't think so !!!!!!!!!!!!
Charles didn't mention "return shipping"...
Steve, You are correct.
I stand corrected
Re: Anthony IS the Problem- NOT
Re: Anthony IS the Problem- NOT
Re: Anthony IS the Problem- NOT
Re: Anthony IS the Problem- NOT
Bring it on!
Re: Bring it on!
Re: Bring it on!
Count me in for a chip!

Copyright 2022 David Spragg