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The Chip Board Archive 11

Glenda & I play some cribbage ...

... David and 19 is not possible by the rules we each learned separately. grin

The scoring rules I learned (which are the same as the American Cribbage Congress scoring rules set forth below) allow both the hand and the crib to score the 5th flush point for the Starter Card. In fact, the crib cannot count the flush at all unless it is a five card flush. (Never have understood the reason for that differentiation.)

I don't see how you get 15 out of your example. I see a five card straight (5 points) and a five card flush (5 points) and two times "15"-2 for a total of 14 points.

I'm not sure what you mean by:

>> There is a special award for the 5-card straight flush (but, not,
>> interestingly, the 4-card variety) of 5 points, bringing the total to 15.

No such special award in the ACC scoring.

>> In a pair royal each card is 'worth' 3 points of the total 12. Therefore each
>> card in a 5-card straight flush should also be 'worth' 3 points, making 15.

Not sure what a "pair royal" is, either, so don't know how this analogy would apply.

From the ACC Rules:

Rule 1.7. Scoring Chart
Points Earned

During Play---In Hand or Crib

--2---n/a---Jack turned as starter card
-n/a---1----Jack in hand or crib of same suit as starter card

--2-----2----Two of a kind (pair)
--6-----6----Three of a kind (triple)
-12---12----Four of a kind (quadruple)
--1-----1----Straights of three or more cards (1 point per card)
-n/a----2----15-count (sum of any combination of cards)
-n/a----4----Four-card flush (only in the hand)
-n/a----5----Five-card flush
--2----n/a---Reaching a 15-count exactly
--2----n/a---Reaching 31-count exactly
--1----n/a---"Go" (without reaching 31-count)
--1----n/a---Final card played (without reaching 31-count)

BTW, Glenda and I have been playing together since shortly after we met in 2001. I won two games this morning to make our totals: -----Glenda-428 -----Jim-426

Talk about evenly matched! rofl ----- jim o\-S

Messages In This Thread

I notice one thing (ok alot of things) about this
Man Hole Covers, Meat Tenderizers,...
Mark, What about finger puppets?
rofl rofl Excuse my language.. rofl rofl
Hey! I want....
YUMYUM Coming Your Way...You Post Her
I'll see yours, and raise you one yum!
Try Chips for a start - not on your list grin
Explain "FOC"....I am still not in..
Duh! - FOC = Free Of Charge grin
I would seriously doubt that...
If you call 19 that means you have ZERO grin
OK, there is one other hand you can't get...
?? 19 is the only score you cant get
Re: ?? 19 is the only score you cant get
Can be done. Will demonstrate in a minute
no thats 18....Isn't it????
Re: no thats 18....Isn't it????
See my Email to you...
Re: See my Email to you...
Glenda & I play some cribbage ...
Re: Glenda & I play some cribbage ...
23 in Cribbage ...
Spot on Jim - one of the 'pigs' to count
Re: By the ACC rules you can't get 19 or 25,26,27
Re: By the ACC rules you can't get 19 or 25,26,27
Just about anything casino related!

Copyright 2022 David Spragg