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The Chip Board Archive 11

RICK - Grow Some Cajones!

Here is your problem: not enough coming in, too much going out.

Something's got to change!
Do you drink? Buy cheaper stuff, or drink water.
Do you smoke? Stop. This is HUGE, if a chainer.
Starbucks? Stop. This is big, if on a daily basis.
Gamble? Stop - gambling is for "extra" money.
Eat out? Cook yourself, make extra & eat left-overs.
Internet? Cancel, sell computer, use the one at the Library for free.

You have very marketable skills - get out there, and get paid what you are worth! You should be walking into every single News & TV studio in your town, and talking to the Production heads to get a spot on their team. When you get a denial, ask why & change whatever they say held you back.

DO NOT CUT UP YOUR CARDS! Longevity of accounts, is one measure of your FICO score, something that car & mortgage lenders look at to determine if you can get future loans, and what rate they will give them to you!
-Do stop using the card, until you can pay off the entire balance every month = no finance charge, in other words = free loan.
-If you have been paying your monthly payments on time, you have been getting offers for better cards; check them out carefully, and apply for the good ones (don't apply too often, just for the very best cards). Look for no membership fees, low rates, and cards that have a grace period (some outrageous cards charge you interest from day one!). Also, NEVER take cash advances on your cards, as that usually puts your entire balance on the highest interest rate immediately - UGGGHHH! Sometimes good card offers allow you to transfer another card balance, at no interest for a certain time period (six months-year is common). This would be wonderful for you, because during that time all of your payment is going to pay down the principle, with the credit card company making no money. Of course, if you have been late with payments, all of this is not an option, since it gets reported to credit bureaus... In which case, go to Consumer Credit Counselors; they will help negotiate with your creditors.

Hang in there, spend less, make more. In a few years, you could have a home, nice car, wife, kids, and REALLY feel the pressure (or be confident that you have learned the skills to deal with all of it). The choice is YOURS! How you deal with this current dry spell will effect how potential mates, employers, and lenders see you - all of them have the right to do background checks on you, so it's time to learn the skills and take responsibility.

Katie is right - panhandling (or whatever you want to call it, if done on the computer), is a sure way to end up homeless & hopeless. YOU are not in that category, as you have skills (heck, you know how to type, use a computer, and go on the internet!). I BELIEVE IN YOU, now the question is: DO YOU?

You might try thinking of it all as a challenge. How can you solve this puzzle, and come out the winner? Look around you, and notice all the idiots driving better cars, look at their gorgeous wives (&/or girlfriends), and GET MAD! There is only one reason you don't have all these things - you haven't figured out (yet) how to be a success at the game of life. You are young, and there is hope; just don't ever give up, because then you are the loser.

Messages In This Thread

Need Some Serious Advice....
Work a second job.
Re: Work a second job.
Re: Work a second job.
I disagree Paul
Re: I disagree Paul
Let's see....
Don't worry Ralph
Re: I disagree Paul
There could also be...
Re: I disagree Paul
Re: I disagree Paul
Question for Paul
Re: Question for Paul
Re: Answer
How did you get "Cage Fresh" Pai Gows, Mark?
Re: HEY PAUL....
Re: HEY PAUL....
Sell me your rare chips then pay your bills...
Re: This is a Joke, Right?
Re: This is a Joke, Right?
Re: No...............
Re: Need Some Serious Advice....
Re: Need Some Serious Advice....
Re: Need Some Serious Advice....
Got any chips for sale?
Work, work, work and ...
Re: Need Some Serious Advice....
BTW.......If the website works LMK! I might try it
OOPS... I meant RED instead of BLACK
I was wondering about that myself Mike
You were never Goo at Roulette
Re: Need Some Serious Advice....
Re: Need Some Serious Advice....
Flip some property
Re: Flip some property
Re: Flip some property
Re: Need Some Serious Advice....
I wish I had your credit card bills
Rick, Can I ask what you do for a living?
Re: Rick, Can I ask what you do for a living?
That actually sounds kind of cool.
So why don't you get a life! And stop posting
Re: Need Some Serious Advice....
Re: Need Some Serious Advice....
Missing car
Re: Missing car
Re: Missing car
Re: Missing car
All of you are missing the point
Very Good Point. If you want to feel sorry for
Re: Need Some Serious Advice....
Get Out of Debt
Thank You All For Your Advice and Words of Wisdom
RICK - Grow Some Cajones!

Copyright 2022 David Spragg