The Chip Board
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The Chip Board Archive 11

The Chipboard tourney set up!

Here we go! The tourney is set up for Aug. 11th, WEDNESDAY night at 10pm Eastern, 9 Central. It's a $10 + $1 NO LIMIT event. We will all start with 1500 chips and 10-20 blinds. Blinds will escalate every 15 minutes until the last man (or woman) is standing.

A couple important points. PLEASE keep track of who you knock out of the tourney. I can't keep track of who knocks out who. The person, or persons, you knock out will be sending you a $5 chip in COLLECTABLE condition. No rag chips please. If you wouldn't want it in your collection please dont send it.

3-27 players will pay out top 3.

28-45 will pay out top 5.

46 to 100 pay out top 9.

OK.. When you log onto Pokerstars click on Tourney, then the "Private" tab. Scroll down till you see our tourney. It's called "The Chip Collecters-T.C.B." You cant miss it. You will need a password to reg. The password is case sensitive. Password - gimmechips - ALL lower case.

I am already registerd. My screen name is Chipr777. Any question feel free to e-mail me or ask on this board. I play quite a bit late at night, early in the mornings. You can catch me on Pokerstars also. On the top click requests, then find a player. Type in Chipr777. If Im on it'll show you what table Im playing on at the time. I'll answer anything I can.

ALSO. Anyone that has a problem opening an account between now and then let me know. I dont have a problem transfering funds to your account for you as long as I dont get 50 requests for that. vbg


Messages In This Thread

The Chipboard tourney set up!
Dear Todd
Just sent you an e-mail
Conflict that night--will you do another?
Re: Conflict that night--will you do another?
Hey Todd...
No Problem
Re: The Chipboard tourney set up!
Not a stupid question at all
Re: Not a stupid question at all
Re: Not a stupid question at all
Re: Not a stupid question at all
vbg NICE password, Todd!! vbg Do I get
Re: vbg NICE password, Todd!! vbg Do I get

Copyright 2022 David Spragg