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The Chip Board Archive 11


When Great Uncle Oscar retired he bought a small hobby farm type set up outside of town. He had a very successful clothing store business all of his life. Guess he thought that he would become a country gentleman upon his retirement.

His brother Iner, always tells this story about him, and since they are Norweigians I have not too much room to doubt it, as strange as it sounds.

After he got moved in he was at a loss as to what to do with his hobby farm. His wife, Freda, told him to ask the farmers he was always having coffee with every morning. Sounded good to him. After some consultations with the old farmers he came home and proudly announced, "I am getting some pigs."

Of course, she asked why. His response was that he was told if properly bred they had a jillion babies and it looked like there was some money in this.

To make a long story short he went to the sale barn and came home with 5 good healthy looking sows. He also had bought a bunch of feed for them. He unloaded them in the pens, put the food out, got the water running and was quite content that he now was a pig farmer.

The next morning during breakfast he asked Freda to look out and see what the pigs were doing. She looked out and told him that they were frolicking around and having fun in the cool morning air. That sounded fine to him.

That morning when he went to coffee the other farmers asked him when he was going to get them bred. He told them he didn't know anybody that had a boar. They told him that there was a guy down the road from him that had a big healthy boar and he only charged $50.00 a piece for stud fees.

Oscar thought this was pretty expensive. He called the guy and tried to Jew him down but to no avail. The next day he loaded up the pigs and took them down to get bred. A couple days later the guy called and told him the deed was done. He went to pick them up and before he left he asked if there was any way he could tell if they were indeed bred. The guy told them if they had settled, they would just lay around in the sun and relax and wait for the piglets to come. So, he takes them home and puts them out and goes to bed.

The next morning they are having breakfast and he says, "Honey, look out there and tell me what the pigs are doing." She looks out and says, "Oh, same as usual frolicking all around, having fun."

He can't figure this out...they are supposed to be laying around getting ready to have piglets. He calls the guy that bred them and asks what is going on. The guy tells him that they might have to be bred again. Not to mention that it would be another $50.00 a head to do that.

Oscar, being a levelheaded Norweigian figures that they use pig organs in humans because they are so similiar figures that maybe he could breed the pigs himself. This is the kind of logic that has kept Norweigians from ruling the world. So, he loads up the sows and takes them down by the river out of sight and breeds them himself.

Next morning they are having breakfast and he says, "Honey, look out there and tell me what those pigs are doing." She looks out and said, "Oh, the usual, frolicking around and having fun."

He just can't believe that being a pig farmer can be so difficult. This was supposed to be easy. So, he loads them up in the truck and hauls them down by the river out of sight and breeds them all again. By the time he got home he was exhausted but in his own mind he knew he really put some effort into it and it would be the end of that messy business.

Next morning they are having breakfast and he says, "Honey, look out there and see what those pigs are doing." She looks out the window and says, "I don't know, I don't see any pigs, they are gone." He is shocked and figures they are laying down out of sight successfully bred.

He says, "Honey, you go out and find those pigs and let me know what they are doing and where they are at." So, she heads out in search of the pigs.

Awhile later she comes back and he immediately anxiously asks, "Honey, did you find the pigs." She says, "Yes, I found them."

He immediately wants to know where they are at and what they are doing. She says, "Well, it looks pretty strange to me but I went into the garage and there are 4 of them in the back of the truck and one in the driver's seat honking the horn."

Messages In This Thread

Re: THEM PIGS.....
Re: Your Email...
No Class Mark!
(Message Deleted by Poster)
Lack of Understanding and Compassion!
Re: Lack of Understanding and Compassion!
Sticks and stones may break ...
Re: Sticks and stones may break ...
I understand your point about pain ...
dumb mick shorty moron.... grin
Re: I understand your point about pain ...
No way Kerry....
Re: No way Kerry....
Lets go easy here
TOUGH.???..No...I'm Norweigian and...
Re: TOUGH.???..No...I'm Norweigian and...
ROFL! vbg
Re: THEM PIGS.....
Only Reason They Made Norweigians...
Re: THEM PIGS.....
I Find Your Story Offensive....
Not Always...With Experience...
Re: Not Always...With Experience...
LUTEFISK??? You are a man!!!!
Yeah, yeah, but what I wanna know is...

Copyright 2022 David Spragg