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The Chip Board Archive 11

Pressing my "EDDIE" attribution

First let me say that the chip shall remain a UFC until further proof is found. However, have said that, I went back over Mark E's Fallon photo in which Charles M pointed out that there was a picture of an Eddie's. Further he mentioned that there was a script "EDDIEs" and the words "Games and Bar" (in addition to Bar-B-Que).

Take a look at the scan one more time. Note that attached to the Bar-B-Que Eddies is a place with a sign that says "CLUB". Since no other words are on the sign, I think it is a good assumption that the Club is part of EDDIE's, especially since both are in the same building.

Now what clinches it for me (and for Gene Trimble, I'm sure vbg ) is that there appears to be a cadillac (if that what it is) parked right in front of "Eddies". Note that it is parked in front of the "CLUB" half and not the Bar-B-Que half.

Okay, I know it's not a lot, but it is interesting.

Messages In This Thread

Pressing my "EDDIE" attribution
Re: Pressing my "EDDIE" attribution
Re: Pressing my "EDDIE" attribution
Re: Pressing my "EDDIE" attribution
Rich, here it is enlarged...
Re: Pressing my "EDDIE" attribution
Re: Pressing my "EDDIE" attribution
Re: Pressing my "EDDIE" attribution
Re: Pressing my "EDDIE" attribution
Re: Pressing my "EDDIE" attribution
Wrong, Rich grin

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