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The Chip Board Archive 11

Ever see a Movie Where......

... the gangster asks "Have you got the million?" and the other person opens a slim atache case where wrappers of fresh $100's are stacked? Well, THAT's Hollywood.... a Million bucks WON'T FIT in a slim attache case! LOL I love it when they throw in "Small unmarked bills" ... What do they want in, a DUMP TRUCK?

Messages In This Thread

What do YOU Know about a $1 Bill???
Re: What do YOU Know about a $1 Bill???
$2,700,000 avoirdupois?
Watch you language David! rofl
Ever see a Movie Where......
Re: Ever see a Movie Where......
Correct me if I'm wrong, but....
grin Most Impressive! But did YOU know...
Go to the Head of the Class!!
grin Thank you
I only know PART of it....
Re: What do YOU Know about a $1 Bill???
Re: What do YOU Know about a $1 Bill???

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