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The Chip Board Archive 11

Newbie mistake sad

When I first introduced myself, many folks sent me an e-mail advising me to acquire traders to help build my collection. No problem, I had a trip scheduled for AC and planned to pick up a "few" traders on that trip.

Making a chip run in AC requires a rather looooonnnggg walk along the boardwalk and travel to and from the Marina casinos (ok, it's a lot of work).

I honestly thought I had picked up plenty of traders (Lord knows my wife was certainly complaining about the weight of her purse where I was stuffing them) but I missed by a mile.

It's a mistake I won't make again.

Messages In This Thread

Newbie mistake sad
Hey Stu:
Re: Hey Stu:
Re: Hey Stu:
Hey Brent
Re: Hey Brent
The other problem is:
Thanks, All!

Copyright 2022 David Spragg