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The Chip Board Archive 11

TCR question for Mr. Myers

I recently acquired a number of 1980's $100 Nevada chips. One is pepicted below. This and 2 others are listed in TCR #10 only as 'DAM' or 'MOD'.
I assume that this means that there are only known examples of damaged or modified chips.
Is this correct or please enlighten me???
These chips do not appear to be either of the above and if so, how should they be listed and at what value???
Any details that you or other readers could share on these chips would be appreciated
The other 2 chips are the Edgewater $100, N-2660 and the Slot-A-Fun $100, N-2535
Thank you for your assistance

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TCR question for Mr. Myers
Re: TCR question for Mr. Myers
Re: TCR question for Mr. Myers

Copyright 2022 David Spragg