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The Chip Board Archive 11

Chip-wise, my best find was getting

three GREAT chips (a $1 Mint prototype, a $2 Landmark and a $5 Travelodge) for under $500. One very nice dealer friend helped to secure the $2 Landmark (in mint condition) for half of what the auction one went for. Even if the rumors of Landmark "hoards" do materialize, it's still a great chip at a great price!! Also, I'm glad that you stopped by the Promo and/or Building Fund table and I got to meet you. grin Steve B

Messages In This Thread

LV Conventioneers....What was your best find??!
Re: LV Conventioneers....What was your best find??
My best "find" was discovering that
Re: LV Conventioneers....What was your best find??
Re: LV Conventioneers....What was your best find??
vbg Thanks, Jim...back atcha!! vbg
Chip-wise, my best find was getting
Re: I Found...
grin Very well said, Gene. grin
Hear Hear
Re: Hear Hear
My wife's best find... sad

Copyright 2022 David Spragg