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The Chip Board Archive 11

Harvey's $2.50 Varieties for TCR

I scanned and posted these varieties a couple of years ago but they have not made it into TCR for some reason. The scan below is of the currently listed N6781 which TCR calls "without window panes". There are two varieties with different size graphics on the reverse inlay. The difference is about 10% by my scale and is likely the result of photocopying old artwork and reducing the image size slightly. The smaller image size is on an unused chip on the right, so this was likely the later reorder.

Incidently, the easiest way to tell the difference between the two varieties that TCR DOES list is by the size of the dollar sign. I always get confused by the with-windows and without-windows terminology. TCR N6781 has a large dollar sign and TCR N6782 has the small dollar sign. If you don't have the chip, look at page 557 in the new TCR to see pictures. Hopefully, there will be a third picture in TCR-11.

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Harvey's $2.50 Varieties for TCR
Thanks, Don It WILL Be In There grin
Re: Thanks, Don It WILL Be In There grin
Cracking me up

Copyright 2022 David Spragg