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The Chip Board Archive 11


Hi Ya'll

Just thought I would introduce myself. I am VERY new to all of this and just sent in my application to join ccgtcc two days ago (until a week ago I didn't know there was such a club). Like many of you I suppose, this all started by simply pocketing a few chips on trips to Vegas or AC and is now pretty much an obsession.

Besides collecting basic sets of $1 checks from existing casinos from all over the US, my focus will be on Atlantic City since I am very familiar with the area history and such a focus will allow me to collect higher denomination chips and true collectables.

I have sent an e-mail to Mr. Black to get his catalog which I understand is pretty much the authoritative source and I may have purchased some chips from some of you on eBay.

BTW, why doesn't someone post sets of NON strip Las Vegas chips? There are lots of sets of strip chips but other sets are seldom posted.

In any case, I look forward to participating in some club events in the future and taking part in some trading (I'll get a website with photos up soon).

Hope everyone is having a great holiday weekend.


Messages In This Thread

Hi Ya'll Back Atcha Stu! grin
Re: Introduction
Welcome Stu! grin
Re: Welcome Stu! grin
Re: Introduction
Re: Introduction
Re: Introduction
grin Welcome...
Welcome...Welcome WELCOME !!!!
Re: Welcome...Welcome WELCOME !!!!
Well hell!!!
Welcome To The Hobby & The Club, Stu grin
Welcome to The Chip Board & the ccgtcc, Stu! grin
Welcome to the Club and TCB BUT----
Re: Welcome to the Club and TCB BUT----
Re: Welcome to the Club and TCB BUT----
Re: Now Is As Good...
Re: Introduction
Welcome to the club and to the...................
Welcome Stu and....
Re: Welcome Stu and....

Copyright 2022 David Spragg