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The Chip Board Archive 11

Bamboozle me once, shame on you...
In Response To: I've been bamboozled!!! ()

Bamboozle me twice??? Well, two bamboozles in one week is hard to take. There was a $5 LE from Silver Legacy on the April approval list. So I called Silver Legacy. No one had heard of it. Someone I trust there was going to call me when it came in. I still called every week or so. Apparently I just missed it a week ago.

When they came in, they they were a little thick and did't fit their standard racks. So they mixed them all with the standard $5s and sent them out to the tables. None were held back for collectors. These chips are on that crappy star mold, and definitely show a week's worth of play. I've culled the best ones for my regular subscribers.

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I've been bamboozled!!!
Bamboozle me once, shame on you...
The Concept...

Copyright 2022 David Spragg