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The Chip Board Archive 11

Re: for sale Page two of chips for sale or trade

This second scan is of mostly current chips from Wisconsin and Michigan. $.50 chips are $1.50, $1 chips are $2.50, $2.00 and $2.50 chips are $3.50, $5 chips are $6.50. The last chip is actually a series of 5 with different edge spots. You can get one or all 5. If you want all 5 it is $30. They are CG02925, 02931-34. I may have only one or two of some of these chips so first come first served. Of course trades are welcome.

Messages In This Thread

for sale Current WI - MI chips for sale or trade for trade
Re: for sale Page two of chips for sale or trade
for sale Obsolete and advertising chips for trade

Copyright 2022 David Spragg