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The Chip Board Archive 11

Looking to fill up a banquet table...

Wayne Murphy, Brian Hall, Jim Gagnon, Dana McGovern, Len Cipkins, Jim Batten, and myself are looking for 3 more people who would like to share a table at the Early Bird Banquet at the convention. You have to have 10 to reserve a whole table, so if you'd like to join us, let me know! grin

The only kicker is you can't already be registered for the banquet because we have to send in all the names (and money) together.

Messages In This Thread

Looking to fill up a banquet table...
Got 2, need 1 more! grin
All full! Thanks! grin
Re: Looking to fill up a banquet table...
Thanks for your help, Mary Ann! grin

Copyright 2022 David Spragg