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The Chip Board Archive 11

Can Anyone top this mail Horror story

I sent payment to Escondido, CA. 0n Dec 10 - 03 Priority mail/confirm del- Took 1 Mo.( cancelled M.O ) cost $10 to do that at bank. - Sent 2nd payment Dec.16-03 Priority mail /confirn del. INSURED ( in box) - That should get there. WRONG !! after a Mo. I cancelled MO. (another $10 ) - went to claim Ins. - had to fill out form and send to him - I told P.O. how do you expect him to fill out form when he can't get mail ?? - I didn't clame ins ( Lucky for me ) IT GET'S BETTER - This mail should only take 3-4 days -- ON 4-30-04 (about 41/2 months latter he get 2nd package. WOW!! I could have walked from here in WI. and there and hand before that- HERE'S THE KICKER -- I asked postmaster if I HAD claimed INS. on it would I have to repay it back because it did get delivered -- HE SAID YES - Somewher between Madison, WI. and Escondido, CA. there is a place called LA LA LAND where mail go's POOF!! for a while -Ho, by the way they did give me $10 back for haveing to cancell Bank Money order - Had to fill out forms to get it -- Confirm Del # 03030130000323685438 chek it out on web site - click on shipment details . What good is Ins. if the package EVER gets delivered- repay ins.

Messages In This Thread

Can Anyone top this mail Horror story
Edgar Allen Poe could not think up one this bad.
Re: Edgar Allen Poe could not think up one this ba
Re: Edgar Allen Poe could not think up one this ba
Re: Edgar Allen Poe could not think up one this ba
Re: Edgar Allen Poe could not think up one this ba
Re: Edgar Allen Poe could not think up one this ba

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