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The Chip Board Archive 10

I'm Back !!!!!

Hi Kids,

I just got back from Grand Bahama Island. As soon as I clear off my email mailbox, I'll get back to you all.

And speaking of emails...For all of those that tried to email me and had the email bounced back to them...My account is freed up again and functioning. It seems that a few peoplew decided to send me extrememly large scans while I was away. There were 4 scans over 800k and two scans almost 700k ! Then there were a dozen or so scans that were around 600k. I guess people forget that people can't clear their mailboxes very easily when out of the country.

Anyway...I'll get back to everyone with details of the casinos and the chips.


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I'm Back !!!!!
You mean you were gone??? vbg vbg vbg vbg

Copyright 2022 David Spragg