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The Chip Board Archive 10

Re: Paul, I have a couple of Questions.......

Yes Mike, I admit. I am an investor Paul, we all are in many areas just like you. I own my own home instead of renting with the hope that it will increase in value; I invest in the stock market with the hope that my portfolio will rise. Me too.
I even went so low
So Low?? I take it you mean low to be 'a bad thing'. Why is this bad? as to fund my own IRA/SEP and not have to depend on any sort of welfare program, unemployment benefit or the likes during retirement So you do not/will not have/use Social security or Medicare/aide? . And even worse than that, Why is this 'worse'? I have always and still do fund my own health care. ** You mean funded from the money you charge others for your services? ** And does this mean you are somehow better/worse than others on the board for doing so?

But I don't invest in chip collecting as I know I will never recover what I have outlayed for a personal enjoying hobby. I do however, buy, and trade for my own pleasure.

Once in a great while, I get lucky and get to have access to some chips that others don't have and will try to profit from them.

I have never destroyed a chip either for purposes of increasing the value of another which I might have or for any other reason. But then again how many occasions have you had to do that? But who is to say what one would do if the case really arose and one was to be lucky enough to find a single chip worth many thousands of dollars and then subsequently find a box full, making that chip worth $10.00 apiece or so. One usually knows ones own self best. I believe you to be honest, trustworthy, and reliable from all of our past dealings.

Sure, it's real easy to come on this board and tout ones own ethics, morality, etc., You mean like you did in paragraph #1? for some hypothical situation which most likely will never occur and another thing to actually do it if the situation ever did come up.

I do know of certain people in this club that I have no doubt would perform admirably. So do I I sure would like to see some names of others who have, in fact, did as this thread proposed. Why? Do you think ill of most people in this thread?

As an example, I think Key words are "I think" (opinions are like A$#holes: Every body has on and they usually stink) you will find that most politicians, when they enter their very first race, go into the profession believing in a strict code of ethics. It's amazing how they ALL change as they advance through the ranks.
Weren't we discussing COLLECTING THINGS?
Yes, it's very easy to say how moral one is or what one would do IF a particular situation arose.

Copyright 2022 David Spragg