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The Chip Board Archive 10

Well... It was good and bad... grin

I did well in the live cash games but didn't win any $$$ in the big tournaments. Play in two $500 buy-in events and both events had over 900 players in each event!

The tournament summary at said: "No tournament with a $500 buy-in has ever attracted so many entries." for the No-Limit tournament that I played in. It had 950 players and there were players got turned away because they didn't have enough tables. It was unreal.. The $500 Limit tournament had 918 players.

I was surprised that with this many entries, they only paid the top 36 places for each tournament. sad Very very tough to advance that far into the field regardless of who you are.

I got knocked out of the No-Limit tournament by a nice looking lady who was sitting right next to me. In those tournaments, one mistake and your out. Flop came with two spades and I had made a pair of Aces on the flop. I bet on the flop to out-price any flush draws and she called. I didn't put her on a flush draw and figured she had an Ace also (maybe two pair or trips). Turn card came a spade and we both checked. I made two pair on the river card and she checked it to me once again. I should have checked it out but got greedy and bet my two-pair. She re-raised me back and I reluctantly called. She slow played her flush and fooled me big time. Very stupid play on my part. I'm smart enough not to bet into a board showing three of the same suit but sometimes you can figure out what a player might have by the way they play/bet. I had her pegged for a different hand. That's poker. grin

It was a very fun trip though. Played until 6am each night, got a few hours of sleep and was right back at it the next day. LOTS of players from Kansas City area was there that I've met previously from playing at Ameristar here in Kansas City. Also got to see some players and dealers that I met last year as well. Overall it was a great trip.

Thanks for asking!

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New chips introduced at Gold Strike & Horseshoe...
Did you do any good at poker???
Well... It was good and bad... grin
Re: New chips introduced at Gold Strike & Horsesho
Didn't play any slots... As a result, I didn't see

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