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The Chip Board Archive 10

To All, Thank You For The Chips

I've finally had the time to open the mail and look at all of the great chips. I've received al total of 11 packages in the last several days, but due to some long hours at work have not had the time to look them all over and give a big thank you to all that have sent them. Thank You to
Michael Heron
John Zoesch
Kitty Stoops
Debra Meister
A J Whiting
Richard Fellman
Will & Murph at 2Chippers
Archie Black
Chuck Smorse

You all are a great bunch of folks and this is turning out to be a very addictive hobby!!! So many chips, so littly money to buy them with.
Thanks again everyone, I really appreciate it
Tracy R-6340

Messages In This Thread

To All, Thank You For The Chips
You are welcome, Tracy
Enjoy them Tracy. grin
It's what it's all about vbg
My Pleasure

Copyright 2022 David Spragg