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The Chip Board Archive 10

NCR Not that I think e-mail fraud is funny...

but I just received an e-mail from "Citi-Bank" requesting some account info. I don't know...looked a LITTLE suspicious to me...

Dear Online-Citibank Cleint,

This e-mail was sennt by the Citi-bank sevrer to veerify your email
adderss. You must colmptee this precoss by clicking on the link
below and enntering in the smal window your Citibank Debit
full Card Number and Card Pin that you use on Atm.
That is done for your pcrotetion -A- becouse some of our memebrs no
lgoenr have acescs to their email adseedrss and we must verify it.

To veerify your e-mail address and access your Citibank account, klick on
the link below. If nothing hapenps when you klick on the link -M copie
and paste the link into the address bar of your web browser.

I think this person would have had more luck soliciting money for a "spell-check" program. I did forward this notification to Citibank because, hey, bankers need a laugh, too!! Steve B

Copyright 2022 David Spragg