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The Chip Board Archive 10

new release Barbary Coast 25th Anniversary Set! for sale

The Barbary Coast released a $5 four chip 25th Anniversary set back around the middle of December. The set has one chip each showing Michael Gaughan, Frank Toti, Kenny Epstein & Tito Tiberti. It was a well kept secret & as all the Coast Casinos do they put ALL of the chips on the tables as soon as they come in. Their official Anniversary is still almost two months away (March 2nd). With these being Paul-Son chips they are already showing wear. I went through numerous racks of $5 chips & found very few decent sets to put together. Also, the Michael Gaughan chip was very hard to find & I have a feeling that he might have kept quite a few of those back for himself. These were also numbered sets & with all of them being scattered on the tables at once it's impossible to get a set with all the same numbers. I don't like listing used LE's, but I'll be selling the few sets I put together for $26 a set. Andy - Las Vegas

Copyright 2022 David Spragg