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The Chip Board Archive 10

Re: eBay or Jackpot that is the question?
In Response To: eBay or Jackpot that is the question? ()

I am one of those who are highly critical of eBay and highly supportive of Jackpot. As I noted in a previous post, eBay reminds me of the old Lily Tomlin routine on Saturday Night Live, "we're the phone company, we don't care, we don't have to."

I won't go again into my litany of complaints as Robert has already highlighted some of them.

I support Jackpot Auctions because Jackpot supports the hobby and the club. Unfortunately the volume of listings and buyers at Jackpot is very low. I checked today, for example, on eBay. After a "-poker" search to get rid of the chip sets there were still almost 5000 listings! Jackpot probably has 300 or 400.

So, Jackpot is sorta the reverse of an old Yogi Berra-ism in which Yogi reportedly said of a particular restaurant that "nobody ever goes there anymore because it's too crowded."

I am again asking true collectors to visit Jackpot regularly and to list their chips for sale there.

For some of my friends who rely to a great degree on chip selling for their income, I understand your desire to go where the customers are, i.e. eBay. I will boycott eBay with this exception--if club members list on eBay and post a link on this board then I'll look at their listings as I always do especially if the post is sufficiently detailed to give me an idea of what is listed. But, my hope is that we can collectively increase the volume on Jackpot to the point where listing for a living on that site is a viable option. Why not at least try it for a week and let us know that you've done so?

Messages In This Thread

eBay or Jackpot that is the question?
Re: eBay or Jackpot that is the question?
Re: eBay or Jackpot that is the question?
As an auction lover...
Re: As an auction lover...
Re: crazy thought....
Re: crazy thought....
Good way to get kicked off
Re: don't post a link....
Re: don't post a link....
Re: As an auction lover...
Re: eBay or Jackpot that is the question?

Copyright 2022 David Spragg