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The Chip Board Archive 10

Re: Harrah's Prototype chip - No Market

Doug, I can understand what you mean. But almost all chips sold at one time, even if for only face. And several chips especially the higher end chips have a value, but they are not for sale. Like the $5,000 Harrah's Baccarat PMSC. It to shows no market, but the value is atleast $5,000.
or the $1,000 blue baccarat. Harrah's did not give them away, they did cost face at one time.
Just like a HIgh End Art Auction, or Celebrity Auction the item may not have sold befoe, but the auction has an idea of the value.

Messages In This Thread

Harrah's Prototype chip - No Market
Re: Harrah's Prototype chip - No Market
Re: Harrah's Prototype chip - No Market
What was the auction number??
Re: What was the auction number??
Here's The Link
Scott, Thanks, Nate

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