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The Chip Board Archive 10

Attn, Skee, Dwain, & AOL users

I have had several emails I sent to AOL users returned to me in the last few days as undeliverable. I have also had a couple other AOL users email me in the past day or two because they didn't get an email I sent.

I think this has to do with the SPAM filter on AOL 9.0. I think if you will look, you will find several emails caught there that you wish had gotten through. I've had a couple people tell me they were having this problem, so all AOL users should give their spam box a check.


Messages In This Thread

Attn, Skee, Dwain, & AOL users
The SAME thing has happened to me! So...
Re: Attn, Skee, Dwain, & AOL users
(Message Deleted by Poster)
spam box 8.0 vs 9.0
Re: spam box 8.0 vs 9.0
sad Wrong, Joe.... sad
Re: sad Wrong, Joe.... sad
vbg Found Spam Folder vbg
Re: sad Wrong, Joe.... sad
vbg Why would I want a FORD... sad
Yes, Greg, you are correct!
Re: Attn, Skee, Dwain, & AOL users

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