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The Chip Board Archive 10

Re: Reflections of last year as a chipper grin

Just a few thoughts on the past year. the Convention for me and most others that attend are at the top of my list for memorable times. Running around Vegas with my chipper friends. Laffing and visiting my various chipper friends face to face again is always a great time. Walking the floor and drooling over the chips. Buying way too many chips. Trading like a damned maniac. Staying up too late and getting up way too early. Seeing my old friends and bonding more with my new friends.

I was able to make it out to one of the Atlantic City Chapter meetings this past summer and was able to finally get together with a few of my good firends in person. Some of whom Ive known online for a few years, but only now finally got to meet face to face.

Then there are some of the new people that have come to the board this past year that I've enjoyed talking with and trading with. There have been some very good people that have joined our ranks.

Next, I'd have to collection has GROWN!!! oh wow has it. The past year has seen a major influx to my obsolete Nevada chips. Ive refined my focus and enjoyed every minute of it.

Then, there's been my website. As of December 8th, it's been up and running just a two years. The first year was of course very slow, as I had only my trader chips and collection there. But this past year, Ive been adding pages and witing and scanning like crazy and the webpage has grown and grown. It's nothing like a few of the masters have been able to create, but for someone that is getting by figuring things out as he goes, it's come along nicely.

I would have to say that above all I like that I have been able to deepen some friendships. This past year I've made some good new friends, but there are a handful of chippers that I'm pleased to be able to call good friends. It's what puts this hobby above just collecting old round little pieces of clay.

I've also had the chance to see my old words come back to me in truth "What goes around, comes around" Ive seen this both in the positive as well as the negative. There have been a few jerks around..that have had bad luck come around to them. Maybe it's just chance, or maybe it's karma..but either way, I cant help enjoying it when I see bad things happen to bad people. And on the other side of the coin, I've seen good things happen to good people. I've always tried to be nice to people. Sure I may step on a toe here and there by accident, but I think everyone knows that it's by accident. I've had so much more good things come back to me. Much more then I think I deserve. Then I've been pleased to see the good things that many in our little group have done, and I see the good things that come back to those people. I see then generosity of people on the board in gifts to newbies, and always offering the nonstop help in chip ID's. It warms my heart.

Sadly...there have been a few bad things happen to good people in this past year, and that is most unfortunate. There have been a few that have past away and have left an emtpy spot in our hearts. There have been a few health issues for some good people, some who are better now, and some who unfortunately are not. There have been some friends that have lost their jobs and had natural disasters in thier backyards, but yet still keep a smile and move on strongly. There have been two collectors that have had thier personal collections that have been stolen out of thier homes. There have been members that have had loved ones pass away, and then others who have have seen the joy of new babies come into the world.

Alright, enough rambling. Everyone hold your arms outward towards the computer and get ready for our group hug!

Happy Holidays everyone. And may this next year be even better then the last!

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Reflections of last year as a chipper grin
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Re: Reflections of last year as a chipper grin

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