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The Chip Board Archive 09

Tribute To A Special Friend – NCR

15 years is a long time. It is also a blink of the eye.
A friend looks very sad every time you leave the house.
A friend sits by the door peering through the glass when he thinks you are due home.
I’ve always wondered if he sat there for hours when I was late.
A friend can’t wait to kiss you every time you return.
A friend gives you much joy, you never think about until he is gone.
A friend does not care about the bad times, he only loves you.
Bad times go away, at least for a short time, because of his love.
I always told him I loved him but never knew if he understood.
I like to think that he did.
I said goodbye for the last time yesterday. I sincerely hope there is a special place for special friends.
Max August 16, 2003

Please do not respond. I do not want to start a long thread. I am sure many have special friends and feel the same way. I just needed to vent.

Copyright 2022 David Spragg