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The Chip Board Archive 09

Trimble, for cryin' out loud....

How about some GOOD news? Why the heck can I still find a website with pages and pages of tophat/cane colors and lettering styles--which, of course, I have perused and salivated over for hours--when it's all for naught and I can't by the d____ things anyway? Now what do I do? Those were pretty neat chips and I haven't found anything else like them or any other firm that seems to be making them. That set referenced in the post yesterday was about a dollar a chip--I was hoping to spend a good deal less (or at least $100 less) than that.

(I guess)
G. McGuan

Messages In This Thread

Trimble, for cryin' out loud....
Awe yes....
Re: Trimble, for cryin' out loud....
Horseheads, you say?

Copyright 2022 David Spragg