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The Chip Board Archive 09

I know Dublin & One Other...
In Response To: Or go here.... ()


Don't tend to get on the board at weekends, hence my late reply! I have some chips from Dublin which I picked up from Fred, so nothing more to add to that!

I also have a chip from Claude's in Galway (a £1 chip) but I know nothing about the place!

Not sure why Rick would suggest there are no casinos in Northern Ireland for obvious reasons though. Nowhere in N.I. is in the list of permitted locations which covers the rest of the UK, but as Belfast is definitely bg enough (permitted locations were based on areas of a certain population in 1973!) that is not the reason and therefore I believe the laws would be different. I don't think the troubles in N.I. would have any bearing, which is what I believe Rick may be referreing to?

I have tried to find listings of other casinos in Eire, and have failed miserably, so if anyone does know of any I would love to know.

And as for my website - I will add the Dublin and Galway casinos to the list as an additional page (although not of course part of the UK)


Messages In This Thread

Question: Casinos in Ireland??
But..they are all horseracing
Or go here....
I know Dublin & One Other...
Re: I know Dublin & One Other...

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