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The Chip Board Archive 09

Convention Blues Pt. 1 (Long)

We arrive at and checked into Sunset Station Hotel Tuesday afternoon with time to restT and freshen up before The Chipboard get-together at the Palms. Wow! It was cooler in Las Vegas than it was at home in Corona, CA.

When we arrived at the Palms we had forgotten exactly where Garduno's was, so we walked the entire length of the casino on the wrong side before spotting it. After spotting the entrance we were ushered into the right room. Obviously this was “the place to be.” What a great turnout, and what how lucky we were to find a table. That was Tuesday, off to a good start.

Wednesday found us sleeping in, picking up our Pre-Registration packets, and playing some video poker. Unlike the last banquet we attended (when we missed the speaker and most of the food as we tried to get across town at rush hour) we were seated at our table early and met several nice people seated at our table. But they were not those whom we expected to be there. Finally Jill arrived and everything seemed to fall together. Great banquet, speaker and awards over, we (I) decided to skip the trade session which tends to overwhelm me because of its sheer size.

Thursday morning—the big day! Doug Saito's forum was both instructive and entertaining, as usual. Thanks, Doug. I hope you encore next convention. Then, what we all had anticipated—the convention floor opened. I had a plan. I would go immediately to the rear of the floor, thereby avoiding the crowd. Wrong! The crowd was everywhere. Oh, well. Everyone was patient and friendly.

After wearing out my legs, back, eyes and wallet I emerged from the room with a big smile and several chips to ogle, fondle and add to my collection. That night we met up with my recently married nephew and his wife and had a great time at the Texas Station buffet. Steak night! And his wife is great.

Friday was reserved for Jan, and we spent the day and evening doing the things one does in Vegas. We decided to worry about the calories and sleep at another time. And Saturday would be my total immersion in the convention. Well, as Robert Burns put it, “The best laid schemes o' mice an' men Gang aft agley.”

Saturday morning it was easy to awake to an alarm. We were going to the Neon Museum Boneyard. We postponed breakfast (and stupidly for me, my medications) and rushed downtown to be on time for the tour. Of course, this was the first day that a morning dawned quite hot. After a little hunt for the site we began the Group 2 tour, taking in the tour guide's information and wallowing in history come-to-life. A half-hour of browsing and photography followed as the sun beat down on us. I didn't take notice of it at the time.

Copyright 2022 David Spragg